Sunday, March 14, 2010


Remember Pompeii?

Mount Vesuvius has erupted many times. The famous eruption in 79 AD was preceded by numerous others in prehistory, including at least three significantly larger ones, the best known being the Avellino eruption around 1800 BC which engulfed several Bronze Age settlements. Since 79 AD, the volcano has also erupted repeatedly, in 172, 203, 222, possibly 303, 379, 472, 512, 536, 685, 787, around 860, around 900, 968, 991, 999, 1006, 1037, 1049, around 1073, 1139, 1150, and there may have been eruptions in 1270, 1347, and 1500.[14] The volcano erupted again in 1631, six times in the 18th century, eight times in the 19th century (notably in 1872), and in 1906, 1929, and 1944. There has been no eruption since 1944, and none of the post-79 eruptions were as large or destructive.

The eruptions vary greatly in severity but are characterized by explosive outbursts of the kind dubbed Plinian after Pliny the Younger, a Roman writer who published a detailed description of the AD 79 eruption, including his uncle's death.[16] On occasion, eruptions from Vesuvius have been so large that the whole of southern Europe has been blanketed by ash; in 472 and 1631, Vesuvian ash fell on Constantinople (Istanbul), over 1,200 kilometres (750 mi) away. A few times since 1944, landslides in the crater have raised clouds of ash dust, raising false alarms of an eruption.

Before AD 79

The mountain started forming 25,000 years ago. Although the area has been subject to volcanic activity for at least 400,000 years, the lowest layer of eruption material from the Somma mountain lies on top of the 34,000 year-old Campanian Ignimbrite produced by the Campi Flegrei complex, and was the product of the Cordola plinian eruption 25,000 years ago.[17]

It was then built up by a series of lava flows, with some smaller explosive eruptions interspersed between them. However, the style of eruption changed around 19,000 years ago to a sequence of large explosive plinian eruptions, of which the AD 79 one was the last. The eruptions are named after the tephra deposits produced by them:[10][18]

  • The Basal Pumice (Pomici di Base) eruption, 18,300 years ago, VEI 6, was probably the most violent of these eruptions and saw the original formation of the Somma caldera. The eruption was followed by a period of much less violent, lava producing eruptions.
  • The Green Pumice (Pomici Verdoline) eruption, 16,000 years ago, VEI 5.
  • The Mercato eruption also known as Pomici Gemelle or Ottaviano 6940 BC ±100 years, VEI 5, followed a smaller explosive eruption around 11,000 years ago (called the Lagno Amendolare eruption).
  • The Avellino eruption (Pomici di Avellino), 2420 BC ± 40 years, VEI 5, followed two smaller explosive eruptions around 5,000 years ago. The Avellino eruption vent was apparently 2 km west of the current crater, and the eruption destroyed several Bronze Age settlements. The remarkably well-preserved remains of one were discovered in May 2001 near Nola by Italian archaeologists, with huts, pots, livestock and even the footprints of animals and people, as well as skeletons. The residents had hastily abandoned the village, leaving it to be buried under pumice and ash in much the same way that Pompeii was later preserved.[19][14] The eruption was larger than the ones of AD 79 (VEI 5) and 1631 (VEI 4) with pyroclastic surge deposits distributed to the northwest of the vent, the surges travelling as far as 15 km from it, and lie up to 3 m deep in the area now occupied by Naples.[20]

The volcano then entered a stage of more frequent, but less violent, eruptions until the most recent Plinian eruption, which destroyed Pompeii.

The last of these may have been in 217 BC.[14] There were earthquakes in Italy during that year and the sun was reported as being dimmed by a haze or dry fog. Plutarch wrote of the sky being on fire near Naples and Silius Italicus mentioned in his epic poem Punica[21] that Vesuvius had thundered and produced flames worthy of Mount Etna in that year, although both authors were writing around 250 years later. Greenland ice core samples of around that period show relatively high acidity, which is assumed to have been caused by atmospheric hydrogen sulfide.

The mountain was then quiet for hundreds of years and was described by Roman writers as having been covered with gardens and vineyards, except at the top which was craggy. Within a large circle of nearly perpendicular cliffs was a flat space large enough for the encampment of the army of the rebel gladiator Spartacus in 73 BC. This area was doubtless a crater. The mountain may have had only one summit at that time, judging by a wall painting, "Bacchus and Vesuvius", found in a Pompeiian house, the House of the Centenary.

Today 6 million people live within the immidieate foot print of Mt. Vesuvius.

12th April 2010

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th April, 2010

The Nation of Israel, besides being defiant has rather quietly become a economic powerhouse. They are leaders in agricultural and pharmaceutical research, software and weapons guidance systems development and are leaders in many other important industries. Their Universities and research facilities are sought after by developed nations.

No one is going to wipe them off any place. They are here to stay. In fact they are poised to run the show in the decades to come. And they will build their 3rd Temple in
Jerusalem whether the world likes it or not. Other small nation states can take an example of nations like Israel, Singapore, South Korea and get with the program. Educate your people to meet the challenges of post modern world and quit buying into mass hysteria and religious nonsense. Israel uses religion as its sheild. The Goverment of Israel has internal and external critics. Its focus is on its people.

are being replaced in a prosperous Israel by Asian Guest workers...throwing rocks to protest at guys who are heavily armed and have shoot-to-kill orders? There has to be better way to address this. Did we say pharmaceutical research? Check who controls the water supply to Gaza & the West Bank? No! they would not dare! could they? would they? No, Yes, Maybe? After all there is a theory that 'crack' was put together in the lab and a "marketed" precisly to create demand for the product in the neighborhoods in America.
Then there was well doucumented case how the drug Xanax was pushed into Japan in the 90's where there was no concept of an illness called depression. Today its a $2 billion revenue stream for phamaceutical giant Pfizer. And guess what? The evident that some birth defects in Gaza has doubled in the past few years.

..... Barak Obama suddenly wakes up in the the middle of the night startled, he sits up in bed and remembers the dream that he that had so rudely woken him. It was something about the Confederate History Month fiasco that is brewing at the moment.. He scratches his head and mumbles 'shit'..... Michele who is usually a heavy sleeper had woken up a few moments earlier. She felt and heard her husband.

Whats up honey? Michele asks.... He instinctively reached towards the warm comfort of her form and wondered if she had dreams like he did. But he decided against asking her...It was a too much of a question for the moment, he had to get some rest as he had meetings scheduled from 6am to 6pm. On the other hand he knew if he answered it may may lead to one of those wonderful pre-dawn "talks" married couples enjoy in the early years of marraige that eventually leads to "sex@dawn". That would be nice he thought, and glances at the at the clock on the nightstand, it was 3:44
Why not? the President was feeling energetic...
These Republican Governers are *%#!ing crazy. They will try anything to get attention... Well, you knew what you were getting into honey, ......

April 8 2010 12:15pm
America needs to once again aspire to be the "Beacon" it once was.......It needs to be a shining light of inovation and industry. America is about growth, however to aspire to be great again we need to make some hard decisions. And if this means shutting down our borders to some, and that may have to include people incompatible backgrounds and unskilled people arriving on our shores, then its got to be done. Creating more jobs here and protecting the ones we have here should be our priority. When the economy is humming again and the National Debt is at a manageable, promising level then it would be
expedient to look at the Immigration Issue as it is present the reforms needed to Congress... America needs educated migrants to grow....

Is Obama too involved in being Mr. International Statesman and too little time on Domestic Issues? Trust in Nancy Polosi to screw up things Stateside.. Ok he has now turned the tide in how the rest of the world looks at America by travelling to many countries to patch up relations that were strained by the previous administration. Now it up to the Nation to deliver on its promise. He needs that he is our roll-his- sleeves up President he can get things done. He would have been down at the West Virginia mine disaster within hours, even if it were just shake hands and talk with the rescue team and family members of those who were lost in the disaster.....Not just going to the people and staging town hall meetings on behalf of the democratic members of his party who are in jeopardy of not being re-elected in the fall.

How could he do it? What in the world made him think of Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State? The American People did not want her.. and he thrust her upon the entire civilized world???

Did you know that when Alan Greenspan was asked to grade his tenure at Federal Reserve. He gave himself a 70%. OMG. Now we have a guy who worked under him as in charge. Come on America, get with it. While you are befuddled by the likes Nancy Pelosi and Tea Party movement. It is business as usual in the Financial Sector.
Obama needs quit being a pussy and ride hard to make the changes he promised to make. Its got to be done now and not in his second term. If he does not set the tone in his 1st Term its not going to happen in his 2nd. Because the opposition will keep inventing stuff to make sure he maintains the status quo. He has to shuffle his cabinet soon... Geithner has to go.... Hilary has to be sent of on some other mission....preferably in charge of the Space Program or something like that....

March 27th 2010 8:30pm
For all those bodies, that are conscious and in harmony with the changes that will happen on our planet soon. A different type of energy will flow toward and reach the Earth as a result of our Sun's new alignment in relation to its position in the (our) Milky Way Galaxy.

How do we know this? Its predicted by more than one source. Actually several fairly reliable sources chronicle this event.

Actually the average Joe and Jane living on Earth today is far too busy just striving to stay alive. We live in modern day equivalent
of the Dark Ages when it comes to seeking knowledge of Space, Time and Celestial Events, and our own place in the scheme of things.

Here's a little more info on the Mayan 2012 business. (The Mayan's were crazy ass fixated on predictions based on math and astronomy) Its hard believe the depth of knowledge these guys had accumulated over the thousands of years of their civilization..

What happened to them? And what will happen to us?

Here is the Mayan 2012 prophecy, and it coincides with the Book of Revelations and a host of other chronicles the beginning of the age of Aquarius on Dec 21 2012 the beginning of the winter solstice. And of course its all up to interpretations of the scholars whose different agendas have to be disiphered in the process as well.

First the Mayans put a big emphasis on the pineal gland, according to one Mayan cosmologist,and the pineal gland of the brain, is what will cause a mass change in consciousness, as the world gets fed up with war and killing. And it looks like the Mayans were right. Why is it that we in the post modern world have very little or no regard or no concept of those who came before in having a knowledge of our place in the cosmos. Majority of us, still belive in heaven and hell and our time on this planet is based on the fear of the afterlife....

DECEMBER 21, 2012

The ancient Mayans who ended their calendar in the year 2012 with a prophecy of great changes upon the earth to take place Dec. 21, 2012. They did not claim the end of the world ,but they claimed a new age, and a totally new direction for life on planet earth.

What I have found is that the 2012 prophecy is not a Mayan prophecy at all, but a prophecy of an ancient scientist of the caliber we find in ancient Greece. Namely Pacal Votan.


Pacal Votan knew that humanity as a species would become disconnected from the laws of the natural world and would fall ignorant of our sacred interdependence with nature. He foretold of our accelerated technological society, and the resulting damage of our collective divergence from Natural Law in exchange for materialist values.

Al Gore (whether you like him or not) is saying the same thing in 2008, closing in on Dec21 2012, that Pacal Votan said in 600 AD. Can you imagine? He foretold that the human race would be so consumed in its material inventions it would turn its back on nature.


The important point to keep in mind about Dec21 2012 is that the prophecy says, that that day will be the culmination of the great change. In other words the great change will be happening during the years leading up to Dec21 2012 ,and on that day the new age will begin.

So you don’t wait for that day. You look at the changes that have already occurred and are happening now. Keep in mind that as we get closer to Dec21 2012 the energies will increase, and the changes will become more dramatic.


From my personal point of view, if there was no scientific evidence, I would not discuss it, but there is. At the winter solstice in 2012, the sun will be aligned with the center of the Milky Way (our galaxy) for the first time in 26,000 years.

This means that "whatever energy typically streams to Earth from the center of the Milky Way will indeed be disrupted on 12/21 2012 at 11:11 p.m." Isn’t it interesting that the winter solstice on December21 2012 will take place at 11:11?

And also consider the fact that between now and Dec 21 2012 something will happen that has not happened in 26,000 years. The sun will align with the center of our galaxy. That is significant.


A team led by physicist Mausumi Dikpata of The National Center For Atmospheric Research has predicted that sun Cycle 24, peaking in 2011 or 2012, will be intense. NASA solar physicist David Hathaway agrees: "Cycle 24 will be strong. Cycle 25 will be weak. Solar cycle 24, due to peak in 2010 or 2011 ‘looks like its going to be one of the most intense cycles since record-keeping began almost 400 years ago," says solar physicist David Hathaway of the Marshall Space Flight Center.


The Sun’s magnetic poles will remain as they are now, with the north magnetic pole pointing through the Sun’s southern hemisphere, until the year 2012 when they will reverse again. This transition happens, as far as we know, at the peak of every 11-year sunspot cycle like clockwork. Now consider that.

Not only will the Solar cycle be the most intense since records have been kept, but in addition to, that, in 2012 the suns magnetic poles are going to flip.


There are many people today who consider the prophecy of Pacal Votan to signal the Biblical Apocalypse which they conclude will be the end of the world, complete with atomic war, and the return of Jesus. The trouble with that approach is, that is not what the word Apocalypse means. Read on.


The most misunderstood word in the Bible, but a source of many dollars to those who would interpret the Bible literally, and write books about the forthcoming bloodbath in the Middle East. That is really nonsense.

This is what the word Apocalypse means. Apocalypse (Greek: Apokélypsis; "lifting of the veil"), is a term applied to the disclosure to certain privileged persons of something hidden from the majority of humankind.
Today the term is often used to mean "End of planet Earth’ which maybe a shortening of the phrase apokalupsis eschaton which literally means "revelation at the end of the eon, or age’~ This is exactly what Pacal Votan said. The introduction of the new age starting Dec 21 2012 will bring forth a new mind, a new understanding, and an enlightened harmony with nature.


Keeping in mind that all of Revelation is symbolic Greek mythology, we see the four horses as representing the human mind and the great change, just as Pacal Votan said. In ancient mythology the colors represent various aspects of the mind as you also see in identifying the 7 chakras.

The color red represents the emotions, the color black represents the intellect, the pale color represents the physical, and white represents the Spirit. Which horse is in the lead in your life will define you.

For instance in religion it is the red horse and the pale horse. The emotions and the physical. In government it is the black horse and the pale horse. The intellect and the physical. The key is to have the white horse in front. In other words your life is directed through your meditation.


WE get to the battle of the mind, and I propose that is what is happening now, and will culminate on Dec 21 2012. The white horse will challenge to lead the mass mind, and we will see, and we are seeing the great shift. You see in order for this great change to occur, nature has to place us into the pit.

There is a reason that the current government has been in power for 8 years. Only by experiencing this type of materialistic ,and aggressive life style will the mass mind realize that it is destructive and must be replaced.

The black, pale, and red horses must be placed in the rear, and the white horse must take over leadership of the mass mind. In other words it is not your physical strength, it is not your intellect, or your emotions that will bring you to the great change. It must be what you call spirit.

That involvement with your inner self in meditation which is the white horse of the Apocalypse or the spiritual great change taking place now to culminate on Dec. 21 2012. That is what apocalypse means.

The great mass mind change to culminate on Dec. 21 2012. The lifting of the veil gradually over the years. The change to enlightenment and a reunion with nature, and what we call God.
That will be the culmination of 2012.


Recently scientists commented on the earth effects of a cosmic explosion thusly. This is a once in-a-lifetime event," said Rob Fender of Southampton University in the UK.

"We have observed an object only 20 kilometers across (12 miles), on the other side of our galaxy, releasing more energy in a tenth of a second than the Sun emits in 100,000 years."

That it can reach out and tap us on the shoulder like this, reminds us that we really are linked to the cosmos," said Phil Wilkinson of IPS Australia, that country’s space weather service.


Pacal Votan called this great change the birthing process. This directly links the prophecy of 2012, with the galactic alignment of the sun and the sun spot cycle.

December 21 2012 just 4 days before Christmas 2012, will the light of the world be born to bring peace on earth and good will to all.

It will mark the beginning of the seventh age of the sun, ans the beginning of the age of Aquarius. The time of a great change mentioned in Revelations in the Bible.

"Laws that forbid the carrying of arms, disarm only those who are neither inclined, nor determined to commit crimes. Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants.

They serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Thomas Jefferson, 1764

Friday 26th March 2010 9:17am
Long weekend, rested completely yesterday.

In the next few years our Sun's magnetic poles could switch when it passes across the Dark Rift that snakes its way along Milky Way's Galactic Equator...Our magnetic poles will follow this new alignment...with quite a few consequences for 'lil old Earth..

Ideas: Have you fashioned anything? Invented or found another use for something which needed only small modifications for a complete different use? If you have go to to talk about your idea. register it, encript the technical details if you wish. Share it with the rest of the world if you wish. Sell or auction your idea. Find buyers, investors or donate or will your your idea for posterity and be promote a more compassionate and just world...

Fernando Espuelas

PATAGONIAN AWARDS Night at the Museum !! in 3-D

Sunday 14th x*March 2010 yo....chill....Dude do you Fudderwupp???
I want to open a period Mad Hatters Tea Party 24 hour Tea Parlor right there on the Hawthorn area or NW 23rd.

March 11 2010
Long weekend por me..... Thurs-Sun

...People really need a new or at least a modified code to live by.. a new consiousness is needed. I happened by chance. How is that during my lifetime there does not seem any improvement in the human condition. If there is one thing I agree with the conservatives are that if there is too much reliance on the goverment to get things done. It not only costs more it gives them far too much power over the people....

When there is a G7 or G20 meeting on somewhere in the world it is generally expected that the host city will plan ahead and cordon off and keep protestors out..several blocks away.... Here is a novel idean how about go one step further and ban all types of lobbyists, influence peddlars, special interest people from socializing and or talking with lawmakers..... we can't do that... freedom of speech issue... what about the lives of the chronically poverty sticken people in the world. Do you think they really care about freedom of speech when there is no food for table or schooling or medical attention or facing the next natural disaster.....

Do we really care?......How the Maya knew that several thousand years from then a civilization would be using a Gregorian calendar or that the 2012WS would be at exactly 11:11 is beyond my understanding – but evidently they did.

March 12, 2010 8:22am

Got to head out to Portland this morning, Rain is expected all weekend. I wonder if it is dry on the east side of Mt. Hood? I was out there last Sunday and it was awsome. Warm Springs is a bit desolate and run down as Indian Reservations are but 15 miles down the road, Madras looks to be proseprous.

March 14, 2010 6:24am
I have a notion that 2012ws is a good time as any for humankind to make a change, shift in direction. A population reducing event has to happen. It is known that the dinosaurs were once small, then evolved into the monster beings we know them to be and then died out..! Just because we are concious beings does not make our species invincible. The good news is all of us will hopefully not die off. Some of us will remain to go on. The rules and the playing the field for us will drastically change from what we know.

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